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We are excited to be a part of Phase 3 & anticipating a slow return to the studio. Things will be a bit different for a while, but we are excited to see all of you. When the time comes, in order to allow each class their time in the studio, a combination of Zoom and Live Studio classes will continue for some time. We respect that not everyone will decide it’s time to return, and to accommodate all our dancers/families, both online & live classes will continue to be scheduled weekly.


Your Health and Safety is paramount!  To maintain a safe environment, we are practicing social distancing, wearing face coverings, disinfecting barres, floors, and any other surfaces the dancers might touch between every class. We use a government-approved cleaner throughout the studio to ensure that our dancers and faculty and staff are kept safe.


Dancer Procedures


Dancers should arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled start time. If a dancer needs to be dropped off earlier please contact the office to make arrangements. The entrance will have distancing markers for lining up. Dancers will be met, checked in,  hands sanitized, temperature takenthen they will proceed immediately to the studio and their individual assigned space one at a time.


Dancers must arrive dressed for class. The change room is closed. The bathroom may not be used for changing. Dancers will be limited to minimal personal items. Dancers should use a water bottle clearly marked with their name and with an easy access spout to minimize the need for touching the mouthpiece. Hands should be sanitized before and after use of the water station. No sharing of water bottles or any personal items. Dancers with long hair must have it secured tightly in a bun to minimize touching their face and hair. At this time Teachers will not touch dancers’ belongings or make any physical contact with the dancer.


Everyone entering the facility will be required to complete the Covid-19 Screener/Tracking Form. The form can be accessed here or by scanning the QR code below. We require that all dancers and staff entering the building fill out this electronic form prior to being granted access to the building.

QR Code Updated.jpg

Some of our New Procedures


Dancers are asked to respect social distancing at all times to the best of their ability. We ask that parents have a frank discussion about the implications of ignoring this practice and how they will be putting dancers/teachers/families & the SCB community at risk.


Illness and Emergency Guidelines


  • Dancers must not attend the school if they or anyone in the household are sick, even if symptoms resemble a mild cold.  The dancer will not be permitted to attend class. Arrangements will be made to participate in class via Zoom.

  • If a dancer becomes ill during a session, the dancer will be isolated from other dancers and the parent will be notified to come and pick-up the child immediately.

  • Emergency contacts must be provided to SCB.

  • The school will have personal protective equipment (eg. clean face masks) available in the event that a dancer experiences symptoms. 

  • Emergency cleaning protocols will be followed immediately should a dancer become ill.

  • If a dancer or staff become sick with COVID-19 symptoms, while at the school, they are to go home right away and self-isolate. Call Telehealth at 1-866-797-0000, health care provider or an Assessment Centre to get tested.


Face Mask Protocol


  • Students will require a mask as they enter and exit the building but will remove their mask in the dance studio and place it with their belongings.

  • Bring several clean face masks in case more than one is required for the session.  Reusable face masks must be cleaned after each use at home.

  • Staff are required to have a mask on at all times with the exception of while eating.


Hygiene Protocol


  • Change rooms are now allowed to be open but we will be keeping them closed for summer classes.

  • The change rooms are closed.

  • Bathroom will be limited to dancers/ staff only & will be monitored/sanitized at all times. Only one person at a time in the bathroom.

  • Sanitizer dispensers are full at this time. All high touch surfaces will be sanitized before and during classes.

  • Dance shoes and personal water bottles are permitted for class.

  • Bare feet are not allowed in class.

  • Personal yoga mats are required for class and must be cleaned at home after each use.

  • If a dancer requires tape for their shoes, they must take all tape home and dispose of it.

  • Cell phones, keys, medicine and wallets must be kept in dancer’s bag. Dancers must provide their own scissors, pens, bandaids and they must NOT be shared with other dancers. All personal items will remain in each dancers’ individual areas.

  • Each studio floor has been divided with distance markers in each section. Open floor space will be used one at a time as per the directive of the principal instructor.

  • Parents are asked to be in their cars, promptly at the end of class for quick pick up. Ensure you are on time for pick up as students will not be supervised once they exit the building.


We are well stocked on cleaning and disinfecting supplies & Health Canada approved sanitizers at this time.  High Touch Surfaces to be cleaned between/during class:​

  • Door handles

  • Water cooler

  • Taps & Toilet Handles

  • Sanitizer dispensers

  • Stereo Systems


Our hand sanitizers are currently full, but we ask that each dancer bring their own small supply for their personal use during classes.


In the case where dancers have been sitting on the dance floor, they will be cleaned before the next class arrives. Mirrors and flooring will be cleaned at the end of each day.



Parents & New Procedures


Only DANCERS will be permitted in the studio at any time.  Parents are not allowed into our facility with the exception of Junior Training Program, who are allowed one parent per family.

While we are asking Dancers to respect social distancing at all times, we are asking the same of our parents & families. Do not congregate in the parking lot. Please remain in your cars. Respect social distance.


All dance classes will be broadcast via Zoom. A private Zoom link will be provided for parents to view their child’s class from outside the studio.


Many classes have been split to ensure small class sizes. That means pick up and drop off won’t be overcrowded, and we shouldn’t have a line-up of cars at any time. Do not drop your dancer off early! We realize you may have a tight schedule, but they will not be allowed into the studio until greeted by an escort. If you are early, we ask that they remain in your car. We cannot be responsible for dancer’s well-being if they are left unattended. Pick up will be at the front door. The front pick-up zone may not be blocked at any time.


Bathroom use is limited to one person at a time. Hands must be washed. Proper hand-washing signage is posted for guidance. Parents are asked to encourage bathroom use at home, prior to class, to limit the use of the studio bathroom. At this time, bathrooms are strictly for the use of students and staff.



We are ALL in this together!


We can’t thank you enough for your support. We will implement any other safety protocols required by the government and/or the health unit.  If you have any suggestions or concerns, please let us know immediately.  We thank you in advance for your support in maintaining a healthy and safe environment for our community.  If SCB is required to suspend in-studio classes due to an Emergency Declaration or other required closure(s), all dance classes will continue via Zoom. We have the confidence and support we need to make this a safe and healthy place for your dancer! Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We are in this together!

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